Perspective of Light | Pavel Korbička

Pavel Korbička, Labyrinth Corridor, 2019, site-specific installation, plycarbonates, neons, 210 x 1770 x 1470 cm, The Brno House of Arts (CZ), photo: Jan Vermouzek

"Perspective of Light," a site-specific exhibition of the light artist Pavel Korbička at Al-Tiba9 Gallery. This installation show offers an immersive experience that engages both the body and mind.

Opening on Thursday, November 28th, 2024, at 18:30H, 6:30 PM and running until March 1st, 2025.

EXHIBITION | 28.11.2024 - 01.03.2025

CURATOR | Mohamed Benhadj

ADDRESS | Calle Comerç 11, 08003 Barcelona.

OPENING | 28.11.2024 at 18h3o,


Pavel Korbička | Sight-Specific Solo Exhibition

Perspective of Light

ENG. In the solo exhibition "Perspective of Light" by Pavel Korbička, visitors are invited to experience "Labyrinth," a site-specific, physically accessible installation designed for Al-Tiba9 Gallery in Barcelona. This installation offers an immersive experience that engages both the body and mind. As visitors move through the curved space, their active movements trigger a kinetic light phenomenon projected onto the walls, creating an interplay between light and physical presence. The installation draws attention to the psycho-physical effects of their bodies, sometimes inducing sensations of imbalance through binocular vision.

At the core of Korbička's work is the use of advanced technological materials and his ability to evoke strong emotional reactions. The exhibition impacts viewers through a dynamic flow of light and color that envelops them, transforming the large gallery space into a visual and sensory experience. Visitors are invited to explore the vibrant interplay of illuminated and dispersed structures, experiencing a unique fusion of color that creates virtual imagery and a parallel space. As they navigate through the "Labyrinth," they become integral to the artwork itself, enriching their imagination and expanding their perceptual boundaries.

ESP. En la exposición individual "Perspectiva de la Luz" de Pavel Korbička, se invita a los visitantes a experimentar "Labyrinth," una instalación específica para el sitio y físicamente accesible diseñada para la Al-Tiba9 Gallery en Barcelona. Esta instalación ofrece una experiencia inmersiva que involucra tanto el cuerpo como la mente. A medida que los visitantes se mueven a través del espacio curvado, sus movimientos activos desencadenan un fenómeno de luz cinética proyectada en las paredes, creando una interacción entre la luz y la presencia física. La instalación llama la atención sobre los efectos psicofísicos de sus cuerpos, a veces induciendo sensaciones de desequilibrio a través de la visión binocular.

En el corazón del trabajo de Korbička se encuentra el uso de materiales tecnológicos avanzados y su capacidad para evocar reacciones emocionales intensas. La exposición impacta a los espectadores a través de un flujo dinámico de luz y color que los envuelve, transformando el amplio espacio de la galería en una experiencia visual y sensorial. Se invita a los visitantes a explorar la vibrante interacción de estructuras iluminadas y dispersas, experimentando una fusión única de color que crea imágenes virtuales y un espacio paralelo. A medida que navegan por el "Labyrinth," se convierten en parte integral de la obra de arte, enriqueciendo su imaginación y expandiendo sus límites perceptuales.

Supported by:

Pavel Korbička - Portrait

Pavel Korbička exploits each creative impulse down to the minutest detail and is able to bring his message across with the use of the most economical devices, his idiom conveying an experience of great intensity. He works with space, light, and color, employing various combinations of new and classical technologies. He manages to conjure up a state of suspense between objects and installations. Whether he displays them indoors or outdoors is of no relevance. While his sculptures may superficially appear static, they actually attest to a great deal of importance assigned by the artist to the element of motion. Motion, that is, does not involve the objects themselves but rather concerns the viewers circling or entering them. With every new step, correlations between light and color transform. Thus, the artist's message acquires new dynamism, as the viewers perceive the composition as a whole in a different and sometimes quite unexpected way with each change of perspective or color.

In the Z world | Collective Show