Journey of Light | Massimiliano Moro
Collective exhibition | 19.02.2021 - 06.03.2021
In collaboration with Espronceda Institut of Art & Culture, Barcelona Spain
In opening the site-specific solo exhibition "JOURNEY OF LIGHT" of the artist Massimiliano Moro in Espronceda, the curator Mohamed Benhadj is welcoming everyone to come aboard for a journey in perception. Perception is essential to our capacity to respond to the present moment, to determine what is real and also what is possible—this experience re-defines and re-constructs the relationship of light and shadow to the spectator and existing structures. The viewer is propelled into a mode of reflection with the use of simple elements in their interaction with light, shadow, and the spectator, space, time, and movement.
"Journey of Light" takes the spectator through two stages, moving from the familiar into space where the use of light as dynamic sculpture creates transformative energy. Dark areas are giving way to precise illuminations, casting color and shape against the architecture of the gallery. Just as visitors begin to question and understand this new dimension, they are thrust into a heightened state of awareness upon entering the second space, where even bigger sculptures and more dynamic use of color, shadow, and shapes await. The viewer is liberated from trying to analyze and is free at last to simply see.
The familiar white minimalist space of the gallery is suddenly a dynamic atmosphere, where time and dimension have reminded us to look where we normally do not look, see without trying to understand, to be witness to the dialogue between light and the physical spaces we occupy.
Reality no longer manifests itself as a description of facts but as a reflection in which an experience is mirrored. Such a reflection can serve our deeper humanity in a world that reminds us each day of the perils of relying solely on what was once familiar.
Mohamed Benhadj, Art Curator
Massimiliano Moro. Born in Cittadella (Italy) in 1986 and currently lives and works between Lugano (Switzerland) and Barcelona (Spain). In his artistic practice, he seeks the creation of new equilibriums between light and architecture through the practices of design and sculpture. Its interdisciplinary methodology results in interventions that modify the perception of space.
In 2006, he began his artistic training at La Escola Massana where he studied Sculpture and later graduated in Art and Design. At the European Institute of Design in Barcelona, he obtained the Master IED in Architectural Lighting, where he currently teaches Light Art. During his student years, he collaborated with the international artist Tom Carr, participating in the creation of the TCTeamwork group with which he made several exhibitions (Centro Huarte en Navarra, Centre Cultural El Carme en Badalona, Museu de Tortosa, among others).
Since 2015, he has been working independently carrying out exhibitions throughout Europe (Palermo, Milan, Rome, Lugano, Padua, Banska Stiavnica, ...). He has also collaborated in numerous projects such as 080 Barcelona Fashion week 2016, Circolo Turba, Artificio, and Gioielleria Preziosi, and his works are part of various private collections. In 2017 he was elected “emergent light designer of the year” for the LIT Award.

Tilted shadows, 2021.
Aluminum, wood, motor, nylon string, plexiglass, LEDs
150x85x20cm | projection variable